Bananas, Bicycles, and BounceFit, Oh My! #DaysTo21 | M I S S B E L L A M I Z Z I


So, week one of #DaysTo21 done and dusted ey? Correct! Has my life taken this sudden positive, health conscience swing into happiness? No, not in the slightest, BUT, it’s definitely changed in some way. In short, I have had a very busy week, so a lot that I had initially planned for #DaysTo21 ended up being put aside or postponed.

Well, what did you do to kick start #DaysTo21 then you ask?! Sit yourself down young grasshopper and I shall let you know!

Firstly, after doing some research into the MANY online ‘bikini body’ style programs, I came across the Kayla Itsines ‘bikini body training guide’. The thing I loved most (aside from the brilliant idea of a free one week workout guide) was the fact that Kayla is an Australian who had the initiative to start her own business and take it online to the world. It’s very informed from her many qualifications, and easy to understand, for those of us who may read something like “stretch head to toe” and understand it as reaching your head down to your toes, and that being the end of the stretching…

So, I decided to give the free one week workout guide a go!

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I did also go for  decent bike ride, which I’ve always loved doing, but never seem to get the time for. I really want to push myself to go for longer bike rides, but for now, I’m pretty happy with how they’re going.

Like I said earlier, I did in fact change my eating habits more than I increased my excersize. I started out by alternating breakfasts between banana and peanut butter on multigrain toast; and a strawberry, banana, yoghurt, and low fat milk (I had planned on also using spinach, but found that the pack I had bought had gone off) smoothie for breakfast. I also found out that carrot sticks, cucumber sticks, cheese (mmmm, cheese) and sweet chilli dip are another great lunch idea 🙂

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I then, with the company of my friend Marcella, also gave BounceFit a go! For those who don’t know, I work at the trampoline park ‘Bounce Inc.’, and we run this fitness class called ‘BounceFit’, which is basically 45 mins of strategic jumping that targets different areas of your body, as well as getting your cardio up 🙂 Great class, and it really works well, as it’s found that 10 mins of jumping can equate to 30 mins of running. Prettttyyyyyy cool I’d say! I didn’t actually take any photos of this however, because, well, reasons, but Cella and I are planning on making this a regular part of our routine, so I’m sure you’ll get to see some soon!

And that’s a wrap on week 1of #DaysTo21! Check back next week for another update! 🙂

xx missbellamizzi